How To Wear Dress Socks The Right Way

how to wear custom dress socks the right way

If you’re going to buy them, you might as well learn how to wear dress socks the correct way. Otherwise, you aren’t getting the full benefits this type of sock has to offer – professionalism & style. 

Details matter, so read on to ensure you’re not making a fool of yourself the next time you step into a business meeting or fancy dinner with your socks not styled properly!

What Occasions To Wear Dress Socks For

You might be a young professional looking for tips on how to wear dress socks because you’re going to be wearing them to work on an almost daily basis. In most offices across America, these dress socks are commonplace on employee feet. So, get used to them!

But even if your workplace doesn’t have a formal dress code (or even a business casual one!), you will still find yourself needing to know the right way to wear dress socks for weddings, funerals, fancy dinners or date nights, etc. So without further ado, let’s get into our dress sock wearing tips.

How To Wear Dress Socks The Right Way

You may think having to learn how to wear dress socks isn’t necessary – they’re just socks, you put them on your feet, right?

Your appearance says a lot about you. If you are trying to impress people (or even just one person), you can’t be too careful when it comes to details. That’s why our guide is going to start with how to actually choose the right dress socks.

Buying The Right Dress Socks Matters!

One of the main things to consider when buying dress socks is how long they should be. This will vary from person to person, because it comes down to how much of the ankle should be shown. In most instances, you’ll want calf length.

The design matters, too. While fun, vibrants socks are great in casual settings, you’ll want sleek, professional socks in most cases if you’re going to be wearing dress socks. 

This requires you to have a good awareness of style in general, but also the occasion for which you’re dressing.

In terms of color, try and avoid white dress socks – these are typically only used in athletic or casual settings. If you want to play it safe, you cannot go wrong with brown, black, or grey. When in doubt, just consider the different color pants you have!

Your Socks & Pants Should Match In Color (Not Your Shoes)

Matching is important, but don’t overmatch – you don’t want your socks, pants, and shoes to all be the same color (at least not all the time). 

Your socks and pants should usually match, and your shoes can be a different color. A lot of people think you should match your shoes and socks, not your pants, but this isn’t the right approach.

Consider this – if you’re going to be taking shoes off at the event, you will have socks & pants that clash. Clashing isn’t necessarily a bad thing when done properly, but if you don’t know what you’re doing, don’t overcomplicate it!

Only Wear Dress Socks & Dress Shoes Together

You should also consider that you only want to wear dress socks with your dress shoes, and vice versa.

Anything else would look lazy & unprofessional. You should have different types of socks and different types of shoes for different occasions!

Where To Find The Best Dress Socks

If you’re going to be buying these, you might as well buy the best! Our custom dress socks are a great option, and you can buy in bulk to save money!

We grant you more control than you ever thought possible over the design process, so you can customize yours to get exactly what you want.
